Saturday, June 12, 2010

Session One. Check.

I just got done with week one of camp! Only nine more to go!

This week I was assigned to a cabin of 11 year old girls. I was a little worried, but I ended up loving it a whole lot. All of the girls were amazing. They have been through so much, and their faith in God is so huge and beautiful. I have a lot I can learn from young people.

Sad thing: On Monday, I started feeling sick. I think I had a stomach flu that never manifested itself in actual vomiting, but there was a whole lot of nausea. My supervisor gave me Tuesday night and Wednesday morning off. I didn't even go to dinner. I slept for 15 straight hours and woke up feeling so much better! This is my new favorite remedy. But as soon as my illness was gone, some wicked allergies set in. Now I sound like a sick person, but really my only problem is an inability to breathe through my nose.

My mornings at camp are pretty full of feeding, grooming, and saddling horses. Then kids come up and I get to give lessons! It's a ton of fun. It is definitely never slow. My afternoons are full of taking kids on trail rides. We do three rides in just over two hours. My evenings are spent with my assigned cabin, hanging out at the special event and then helping with devos in the cabin. All in all, it is very tiring, but incredibly rewarding work. I absolutely love what I'm doing!

Feel free to send me mail at camp. So far I haven't gotten anything. :( You can send it to:
14323 Camp War Eagle Rd
Rogers, AR 72756

1 comment:

  1. I will be following your blog. Also, if you get a slightly inappropriate postcard... it's from me :)
